May 20, 2015

End of the Year Signature Owl Craft!

Hi Teacher friends! Here is a fun end of the year craft you can have your students create! When I graduated sixth grade, my parents bought me this cool graduation signature teddy bear that all my friends passed around and signed.

    While  creating End of the Year products, I had this crazy idea that maybe students in the classroom could make their own version of the signature bear! In order to make it possible for students in the classroom to design, I could only use simple resources plus no sewing involved. I figured out a way to make an owl just with a sock and cotton balls! Super easy and fun!

Here are the steps to create the Signature Owl sock craft!

Step 1
Here are the supplies you'll need:
googly eyes
plain white sock (can be short or long, just not textured)
glue gun
Elmer's glue
cotton balls
yellow and orange felt
black paper
black button 

     If possible, ask parents to donate one sock and a bag of cotton balls for the project. (one bag should create 5 owl crafts.)

Step 2
Break apart the cotton balls so your owl will not be lumpy. Just pinch and pull apart. It should create one big mass.

Step 3
Begin stuffing the sock. Push down the cotton to the very bottom and try to fill as much as you can to create a round shape.

Step 4
Stuff until the cotton until the entire foot portion of the sock is filled. If you have a long sock, stop at the ankle.

Step 5
Pull at the top of the sock to create loose material. Pull up the top of the sock and pull forward. After creating the fold, hold the material in place with your thumb.

Step 6
Using a hot glue gun, place a dap of glue right underneath the spot where your thumb held. After gluing, hold it down to dry. If your students are making this in the classroom, they will need your assistance only for step 6 and step 9.

Step 7
If you have a long sock, cut off the end.

Step 8
Fold and glue the bottom together. It doesn't have to be a perfect line, you will be gluing feet on the bottom of the owl.

Step 9
Cut an orange triangle from the felt and place googly eyes on the owl. Students can use their own glue for this part.

Step 10
Cut a small  black square and glue on top of head. Make sure an angle of the square is placed in center of the owl's forehead.

Step 11
Glue a large square on top of the smaller square. This will create the graduation cap.

Step 12
Cut out a yellow tassel from the yellow felt.

Step 13
Glue down the tassel onto the center of the cap, using a button to hold it in place. If you have rhinestones, students can even bedazzle their graduation caps! ;D

Step 14
Cut out the feet using the orange felt and glue to the bottom of the owl.

 Step 15

The owl is now ready for signatures! :D

I know your students will have a blast creating and signing!

If you need more End of the Year resources and ideas, check these out!

End of the Year Bundle! (Memory book, Portfolios, Activities, and Awards!)

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