My name is Stacey Lynch and I’ve been teaching for
ten years now. For several years I was good about meeting with my
reading groups, but not so good with center rotations.
Then I entered the
“Pinterest and TpT” world and my teaching life completely changed!
I was able to view
what other wonderful educators were doing for their center rotations. Taking bits and pieces from what I read, I put
together a well-run and successful reading rotation schedule for my first
Center 1: Meet with me
Center 2: Seat work
Center 3: Fun center
Center 4: Meet with co-teacher
Center 5: Journal writing
Center 2: Seat work
Center 3: Fun center
Center 4: Meet with co-teacher
Center 5: Journal writing
Let’s break this down!
Center 1: Meet with me
We do a number of activities when they meet with me. We read books on their level of course, but
the other activities depend on the needs of the particular group. Sometimes we’ll do regular reading / writing
activities, a Science or Social Studies activity, phonics or sight word
activities, some of their unfinished work, etc... I’ll even teach them some of the center
games they will have access to.
It took me some time
to remember that it’s okay if I don’t accomplish everything I wanted to with my
groups that day. There is always the
next day! I’d rather take my time teaching / helping them with the concept so
they understand it instead of rushing through and have them not understand. There are still times I have to remind myself
of this.
Center 2: Seat Work:
Generally, this is reserved for chunk work and sight word work. There are occasions where they will also start
/ finish assignments related to what they did when they met with me.
Center 3: Fun Center:
Fun center changes every day! Mondays: TPT center and / or computer center – I have found incredibly wonderful language arts related centers on TPT! I use MANY of them for this center - games related to sight words, contractions, compound words, forming sentences, and much, much more!
Sometimes I will have
computer center. The problem is I only
have one student computer. In the past
I’ve had the students use that computer, my school tablet, and a laptop from
the media center for this rotation. They
love it!
Tuesdays: Listening center –Listening centers should be
utilized more, especially in the younger grades. Not only is it important for students to be
read to, they really enjoy it!
My very first Donors
Choose project was to request books on cd for my listening center. I made sure to get a variety of books –
classic favorites, seasonal, and biographies. I am so grateful that this was
My students look
forward to listening to and following along with the stories. After listening to the story, they complete a
short assignment, usually writing about the story elements, writing their
favorite part, or listing some facts from the book.
Wednesdays: Puzzle
center – I spent three summers as part of an organization that tutors upcoming
third graders who are struggling with reading. There were several parts to their
day. (Half day.) One of those parts was puzzle center. My boss talked about how important puzzles
are since it helps with both visual and
organizational skills, along with developing hand-eye coordination. She always taught students how to separate
the pieces – outside pieces vs inside pieces.
She wanted the students to put together the border first, and then focus
on the inside.
I have carried this
with me into my own classroom. My
students LOVE putting the puzzles together!
As an added bonus, they learn how to COLLABORATE!
Thursdays: Same as Monday.
Fridays: Art center –
Kids need time to be kids! They need
time to be creative! They do what they want to do *as long as they are on task
and they are safe!* I have a bin full of
paper that students can use for art center.
They can draw, cut, glue, fold, color, etc…They bring their supplies
over and have a BLAST! Every once in a
while, I will put out a template for them to work on, but for the most part,
it’s a free for all!
Center 4: Meet with my
I am incredibly lucky to have an administration that believes in the power of co-teaching. The ESOL teachers, Academic Support Specialists, Reading Specialist, and many of the paraeducators, plug into our classroom for an hour or two each day.
I am incredibly lucky to have an administration that believes in the power of co-teaching. The ESOL teachers, Academic Support Specialists, Reading Specialist, and many of the paraeducators, plug into our classroom for an hour or two each day.
Depending on who my
co-teacher is, I’ve had them do different things when they meet with their
groups. I’ve given some a list of
indicators we cover each week / marking period and they use that to guide their
instruction. My co-teacher last year was
an awesome science geek and therefore mainly focused on science. This year, my co-teacher will be working on
sight words, blends, reading comprehension, and putting words together.
Center 5: Journal writing:
My students write every day. I start off the year with them copying words into their journals: color words, number words, seasonal words, etc…When printing out their lists, I use the font that has the lines on it so the students can see where their letters should go. For my “fast finishers,” I have them illustrate those words.
My students write every day. I start off the year with them copying words into their journals: color words, number words, seasonal words, etc…When printing out their lists, I use the font that has the lines on it so the students can see where their letters should go. For my “fast finishers,” I have them illustrate those words.
After a few weeks of
writing those words, I’ll give them some sentence
starters. “My favorite color is….. I
like it because…….” I include a word
bank for them and pictures for the words when possible.
Following that is a
general topic. Write about what you did
over the weekend. OR Imagine we could go
on a field trip anywhere. Where would
you want to go? What would you want to
do? Why would you want to go there? I try to have
a word bank when possible.
For each level of
“journaling,” I have reminders:
1. Start your sentence with a capital letter.
2. End your sentence with a period.
3. Leave a finger space in between your words.
4. You must have at least 5 sentences. ** (This one changes again, depending on the topic and what my writers are capable of.*)
I’ve been known to throw in other reminders and I always go over the reminders with them before we start our rotations.
1. Start your sentence with a capital letter.
2. End your sentence with a period.
3. Leave a finger space in between your words.
4. You must have at least 5 sentences. ** (This one changes again, depending on the topic and what my writers are capable of.*)
I’ve been known to throw in other reminders and I always go over the reminders with them before we start our rotations.
Some people ask me why
I have journal writing as my last center.
It’s not really my last center, it’s just the last center they go to
before meeting with me. :-) When it’s
time to switch, they bring their journal with them to my table and we take a
few minutes to go over their writing.
What about reading
While reading center is not one
of my regular rotations, I use it when 1) My co-teacher might have been pulled
for the morning. 2) I’m giving them a
break from writing center. 3) I will use
this in lieu of one of the *fun centers.*
That’s it! My co-teacher and I meet with four groups
every day. I will start the next day
with the group I didn’t get to. Rotating
centers every 20 minutes allows me to get through four centers each
morning. Between rotations two and three
is a brain break...usually a Just Dance Kids video. My students are able to transition with ease
and focus with this setup.
Thank you Suzy at the
StudentSavvy Blog for having me as a guest blogger!!
About me:
I’ve been
teaching in Maryland for 10 years. I taught 2nd and
3rd before moving down to 1st, where I’ve been for 6
years! I have a Master’s Degree in
Educational Technology, am webmaster for my school’s website, and teach
technology classes for my county. When I’m not
teaching, you’ll find me singing, helping out with my husband’s acapella
chorus, pinning away on Pinterest, or updating my blog. I have one large, loveable, fur baby!
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