Mar 30, 2016

Ideas for Open House and Meet the Teacher Night!

open house, meet the teacher night, back to school night

We have just a few more months left in the school year and the end of the year Open House night is quickly approaching!
I wanted to revisit a few quick tips I have for hosting a successful Open House, Meet the Teacher, or Back to School Night:

1. If you decide to have a presentation, design an outline of what you want to cover.

Create a brief outline of the evening’s schedule. Estimate how much time you should be presenting. Try to keep it as short and concise. Anything over thirty minutes may not be remembered. Some topics you’ll want to cover are:    

        -A Quick Introduction / Meet the Teacher 

       -Homework / Grading Policies and Expectations

        -Behavior Expectations / Classroom Rules

        -Curriculum / Daily Schedule / Upcoming Events

        -Communication with Parents (parent/teacher conferences, email communication, and phone calls)
       -Parent Questions at the very end of the presentation

2. Create a Warm & Welcoming Environment

Make sure your classroom is organized, neat, and welcoming. Another great tip is to display student art throughout the room. This makes it fun for families to find their child’s work and see how they have progressed over the year! 

open house, meet the teacher night, back to school night

If you are need of some STEM materials for your class or if it's Back to School time and need new supplies, you can set up a designated donation desk! It may feel odd or uncomfortable asking parents for supplies, but it really shouldn't! This is a cute way to ask families to help out and for them to feel like a part of the classroom community!

open house, meet the teacher night, back to school night

3. Keep in mind what parents REALLY want to hear

Above all, you want THEIR child to be successful throughout the school year. In your presentation, show parents the resources you have available to make the year a great one. After your presentation, try to make personal connections with each and every family.
teaching resources open house back to school

4. Keep it simple – don’t try to cover the entire year in one night.

Most likely, the parents do not want to hear the entire curriculum for the year. They want to see that the teacher is caring, welcoming, and organized. They also want the feeling of certainty that their child will have a successful school year.

5. Have a PowerPoint Presentation.

PowerPoint presentations are great for Back to School night! It will help you stay on topic and you’ll be less likely to forget something important you want to cover. You can make it creative and interactive, including pictures and examples of student work.

back to school night

6. Make it memorable.

       Be enthusiastic and positive! This is a great opportunity to get to know your students families and set the tone for a great year to come.
 If you need additional resources for Back to School Night, check out the

In it you'll find:
-Welcome Sign in Sheets
-Info Pamphlet for Parents
-Teacher Information Cards
-Classroom Door Sign
-Reminder Handout for Open House
-Volunteer Sign Up Sheet
-Parent-Teacher Conference Sign Ups
-Reminder Slips for Parent-Teacher Conferences
-How does Your Child Get Home – Transportation Information
-Supplies Wish List Cutouts
-Field Trip Chaperone Signups

Now in two different styles! 

Gold Apple and Glitter Design: 

Watercolor Design:  

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