Apr 13, 2016

Earth Day Activities for the Elementary Classroom

With Earth Day only a week away, are you scrambling to find eco-friendly activities to do with your students? 
It is such a great way to encourage great daily habits and create awareness about the environment. In this world of YouTube, instagram, and snapchat, it's a nice reminder to always cherish and take care of our planet. 
If you are searching for fun Earth Day activities, you have come to the right place! Here are activities you might enjoy in the classroom! 

Challenge and bring awareness to your students this April! Design a challenge jar for your classroom and have them participate in 28 eco-friendly challenges. Great for all elementary age students.

Students love a little friendly competition - see who can complete the most tasks this month! Find it here! 

2.) Recycled Art
Allow your students to get creative! Have them bring in items from home that they planning on tossing away. It can be bottle caps, buttons, fabric, anything goes! If that idea scares you with the possible classroom clutter, limit your students to bring only things they can fit in a paper bag or in their backpack. 
If they decide to create three-dimensional art, challenge them to engineer something new! Consider it a STEM activity!

3.) Create Bird Feeders
Have students bring an empty milk jug or milk carton. Cut the opening in the center of one side with an X-Acto knife. Then allow the students to paint and decorate the carton as they wish. Use a popsicle stick as the perch or have the students collect sticks from outside. 

4.) Earth Day Project
This resource is great for all primary students celebrating Earth Day! 
This interactive project with folds, flaps, and pockets works well with any Earth Day lesson. 
     Students brainstorm and write "How I.. (the three R's) Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle." They will also discuss ways to conserve (water) and compose an Earth Day promise. 
     Students choose an environmental issue or concern to write what they want to change and how they will take action. 
     Students will also create a "How I'll Save the Planet" magazine or recycled collage
     Recycling vocabulary is included in a recycling bin word sort! Students will read different items and decide which recycling bin pocket to place them in. Find it here!

5.) Research an Important Cause
As a class, research several important causes that students are passionate about. Vote on which cause is the class favorite and brainstorm ways that everyone could contribute to supporting that cause. Reinforce the idea that even the smallest contributions help! 
          Topics examples: Global warming, ocean pollution, air pollution, endangered animals, drought. 

6.) Calculating Carbon Footprints

This is a great activity for upper elementary grades. Have your students take this animated quiz on Footprintnetwork.org They will be shocked to discover how many planet earths it would take to sustain their lifestyle if everyone lived as they did. 

7.) Create a Classroom Quilt 
Demonstrate to students how the old can be transformed into something new! 

Encourage your students to create awareness! What are you planning to do this month with your students? 
Share your ideas below! 

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