Apr 17, 2016

Teacher Sock Sunday: Featuring the Ancient Civilizations Lapbook!

Good afternoon teachers! 
If you weren't aware of this fun fact, I collect funky socks. I ESPECIALLY love funky teacher socks. I have a ton. Because I have a ton of funky teacher socks, I decided I should do something fun with them. Every Sunday I'm going to feature a resource that teachers will find helpful in getting them through the upcoming school week. 

Today's resource is the Ancient Civilizations Lapbook!

In this resource, students will design an informational lap book about Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Israel, China, Rome, and Greece. It includes cut & paste pages and flaps that will test student knowledge on their Ancient Civilization curriculum. 

This product is Editable! You can change or edit the questions to fit the needs of your students. 

If this is your first time creating a lap book with your students, there is a short 40 second video that will assist you on how to assemble. 

This lapbook project is excellent to have for review before an exam or as an extended learning activity! 

The following topics are covered:
Mesopotamia: cuneiform, Hammurabi's Codes, ziggurats, the fertile crescent, city states, nomads

Egypt:mummification, pharaohs, hieroglyphics, the pyramids of Giza, hieratic script

India: caste system, Hinduism, accomplishments in science, astronomy, and architecture, Caste System, Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, untouchables. 

Israel: King Solomon, The Promised Land, Moses, prophets, "ten lost tribes", Judaism

China: oracle bones, Terracotta Army, Confucianism, Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, Bronze Age, and the Great Wall

Greece: Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, The Dark Ages, Bronze Age, monarchies, polis, epic poem, Socratic Method

Rome: Pax Romana, Twelve Tables, Punic Wars, the Roman Empire, Roman law, The fall of Rome 

For a more in-depth study of Ancient Civilizations, this resource is also aligned with 

Here is a deeper look at each of the Interactive Journal units:

Ancient Mesopotamia Unit

Topics covered in this unit include: Sumer, Sumerian life, city-states, ziggurats, cuneiform, Hammurabi's Code, the Epic of Gilgamesh, fertile crescent, theocracy, nomadic life, Sumerian hierarchy, and more. 

Ancient Egypt Unit

Topics covered in this unit include: Mummification, Egyptian Society and Hierarchy, Pharaohs, the invasion of the Hyksos, the Old, Middle, & New Kingdom, Nile River, Hieroglyphics, Hieratic Script (shortened version), Pyramids of Giza, Bureaucracy, Vizier, War-Chariots, Menes, Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Tutankhamen, Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, Ramses III, Akhenaten, Red Lands, Black Lands

Ancient Israel Unit

Topics covered in this unit include: monotheism, the ten lost tribes, Israelites, nomads, prophets, Hebrews, Judaism, the First Temple, The Torah, Moses, Yahweh, King Solomon, wisdom, King David, Abraham, The Promised Land

Ancient India Unit

Topics covered in this unit include: Harappan Period, Indus Valley Civilization, Hinduism, Rajas, Aryans, Sanskirt, Aryans, the Caste System, Varnas, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, the Untouchables, Ganesha, Other Gods & Goddesses, Reincarnation, Monsoon, Karma, Dharma, Buddhism, Hinduism, Nirvana, The Pillar, The Stupa, The Rock Chamber, Siddhartha Gautama, and more

Ancient China Unit

Topics covered in this unit include: dynasties, aristocracy, oracle bones, bureaucracy, bronze casting, bronze age, golden age, philosophers, Mandate of Heaven, taotie mask, emperors, Terracotta Army, Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, warlords, Analects, The Great Wall, Huang River Valley, Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang, Confucius, Laozi, The Great Wall, The Silk Road

Ancient Greece Unit

Topics covered in this unit include: Minoan & Mycenaean Civilizations, The Dark Ages, Homer, Epic Poetry, The Iliad, The Odyssey, Greek Mythology & Religion, Olympics, Olympia, Theatre, Tragedies, Comedies, Polis (City-States), Athenians, Spartans, The Peloponnesian War, Socratic Method, Greek Philosophers, Democracy, Oligarchy, Geography of Greece, and more.

Ancient Rome Unit

Topics covered in this unit include: Etruscan and Greek Influence of Rome, The Roman Republic, Roman Social Hierarchy, Twelve Tables, Law of Nations, Triumvirates, Dictators & Julius Caesar, The Punic Wars (First, Second, Third), Roman Law (and its influence on law today), The Collapse of Roman Republic, The Roman Empire, Roman Architecture & Other Contributions, Gladiators & Entertainment, The Spread of Christianity, The Decline & Fall of Rome (and all the theories why it collapsed)

Want to see more funky teacher sock posts? Click the links below!

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