Apr 24, 2016

Teacher Sock Sunday: featuring Music Around the World II!

Hi teacher friends,
Happy Teacher Sock Sunday! 
If you missed last week's post, find it here!

I am BEYOND excited to share this brand new teaching resource with you!
Music Around the World is back... With ALL NEW locations and musical instruments! Students will learn over 30 different musical instruments from Mexico, China, the Netherlands, Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, Hawaii, and the United States.

This resource is a great way to incorporate music and multicultural fun in your classroom! 
Great Activities for 3rd-7th Grade and Around the World or Music Units

 There are video links included to see the instruments in action! You have the option of using the QR codes or you can click the hyperlinks.

This unit includes- Read and learn pages with video clips!, what I learned recall pages, exploring musicians/instruments/songs homework pages, listening activities, test your knowledge activities, and flashcards for the classroom!

Curious about the original Music Around the World Unit? Explore Music of Japan, France, India, Spain, Brazil, Africa, Russia, and Italy HERE!

Want to see more funky teacher sock posts? Click the links below!

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