May 1, 2016

Teacher Sock Sunday: Planet Decoder Wheel!

Good morning teachers! Happy #TeacherSockSunday!
If you weren't aware of this fun fact, I love funky socks. I ESPECIALLY love funky teacher socks. I have a ton. Because I have a ton of funky teacher socks, I decided I should do something fun with them. Every Sunday I'm going to feature a resource that teachers will find helpful in getting them through the upcoming school week. 

Today's resource is the Planet Decoder Wheel! 

Want to really engage your students while teaching science lessons on planets and solar system? Students will love this FANTASTIC spinning study tool! Easy to assemble and a fun activity for all students who are studying the solar system!


This product features detailed descriptions of each planet and simulates how they orbit the sun. 

See how it works below!

Want to see more funky teacher socks? Check out the links below!

Want to see more funky teacher sock posts? Click the links below!

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